Ten skills that you need in sewing as a beginner.

A problem solving guide for the first year of sewing.


This course will teach you my personal insight into what First year sewing “should” include. Hi my name is Tunku Adhikari. I am a Fashion Educator and Designer based in Melbourne, Australia. I have taught in the field of Fashion and Design for over 20 years.

I say “should” because we are slowly becoming less and less hands on, especially since the pandemic. It is a course that Includes tips and tricks that I use personally, learnt over the years.

Ten Skill you need in Sewing as a Beginner, is a course I designed based on what I believe a 1st Year Fashion student should know before transitioning into 2nd Year. These topics are based on questions from students that I have answered for over 20 years. You could say it is a problem-solving guide for sewing.

After completing this course, you will have a better understanding of how to create better quality fashion.

To create confidence in sewing for beginners by learning to do these 10 samples without help.

Naturally remember each step through repetition. Understand why they are used. Then apply that knowledge to each sample. Analyse what you did right and try and learn form the wrong ones. Evaluate your understanding of the concept. Eventually create your own samples without instructions.

Quality of product is what makes each sample beautiful to look at, but more importantly accurate to the pattern.

Total Students683
Original Price($)799
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures20
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews3
Global Rating4.6666665
Instructor NameTunku Adhikari

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