Effective Conversations with Parents

Learning the soft skills of communication when working with others.


Whether you are a new educator or a seasoned one, this course is for you! In this course you will learn effective strategies for building relationships with the families you work with each day. As educators we are working with parents on many topics but mostly on the success and challenges that some students have at home and school. It is important that we learn how to work with them in several settings and have productive meetings with them. Setting up an effective and productive meeting with parents and other staff will be shared and modeled. You will also learn how to guide parents with parenting techniques to help improve student behaviors at home. Talking to parents about creating structure and routines at home will be explained in this course. Defining the difference between consequences and discipline is also explained and modeled how to talk on these topics. When children are acting up and displaying attention seeking behavior, there are ways you can talk to parents about it and that is also shared in this course. These communication techniques will bridge the home and school connection making your job as an educator easier and resulting in success for the student. This is a win win for all parties involved!

Total Students85
Original Price($)799
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures11
Number of quizzes2
Total Reviews1
Global Rating4
Instructor NameTania Farran

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