DBT Radical Acceptance – The Complete Course

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Radical Acceptance


It is important to understand that we are able to control the way we feel, and we can control fear, stress and anxiety. It is possible now to learn how to avoid and resolve these toxic emotions and instead create the ones that we want and the ones that will make our life more enjoyable and constructive. In this course you will learn how Radical Acceptance help you to recognize and identify your toxic and destructive emotions as well as tools for direct your thoughts, which will give you the power you need to direct your emotions in a ways that will allow you to grow and explore your potential. In this course you will learn how to speak in a more compasionate way to yourself with various techniques, self talk, as well as a number of meditation practices. Also, you will learn how to take back control of your mood and your time. If you feel that you are ready to finally change the way you think and let go of all those toxic negative emotions, including anxiety, stress and fear, and learn the power of emotional intelligence enroll now, I really look forward to seeing you in this course!

Total Students140
Original Price($)84.99
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures24
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews10
Global Rating5
Instructor NameNeven Coaching Academy

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