Understanding the Pharmaceutical Industry

Pharmaceutical Sector | Pharma Business | Business Lifecycle | Drug Discovery | Drug Development | Medical Affairs


Entering the world of pharmaceuticals can seem like going into a black hole. From the nuances of drug discovery to the complexity of governmental regulations, understanding how pharmaceutical companies operate seems almost incomprehensible. However, by exploring some of the foundational building blocks of the industry you can begin to see what it takes for a drug to go from an idea to being dispensed at your local pharmacy. During this course, we will go on a deep dive into four key building blocks of the pharmaceutical industry:

  • Introduction to the Industry

  • Drug Discovery

  • Drug Development

  • Medical Affairs

This invaluable resource provides a rich overview of these critical components of the industry and describes who some of the main players are and what they do. This course also sets the context and prepares you for further exploration into this fascinating industry. The course provides an overview of the global pharmaceutical industry and its operations. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the key players, trends, and challenges in the pharmaceutical industry. By the end of the course, participants will be able to analyze and evaluate the industry from both a business and a patient-centered perspective. The course is designed for professionals in the healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and business sectors, as well as for individuals interested in learning more about the pharmaceutical industry.

Total Students141
Original Price($)2299
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures9
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews0
Global Rating0
Instructor NameStarweaver Instructor Team

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