Team Management Skills for Building High Performance Teams

Learn the Art of Establishing and Managing High Performance Teams


Managing a team to success requires more than just simply appointing tasks to people. A crucial role in cultivating business growth, being in charge of team management requires a fusion of interpersonal, technical, and of course, organizational skills.

This course will help you master core Team management skills, it is designed for managers ad leaders at all levels, it will help you overcome challenges that hold your team back and help your team climb the ladder of success.

The course will teach you the Primary but Most Essential Skills to be an effective Team Leader and Manage High-Performance Teams. You will Learn

  • What is a Team?

  • How to Establish a Team

  • How to manage a team effectively.

  • Important team management skills

  • Importance of Team Identity and Team Vision

  • How to set goals and delegate tasks

  • Effective Performance Management of Team.

  • Difference Between a Leader and a Manager.

  • Understand the core of each team member and help them grow as a great Team member.

  • How to Give Your Team Publicity

  • How to Celebrate Success and Keep Your Team Motivated

This course will help you understand how to manage people and get what you want from your team. All in all How to Establish and Manage a Self Driven High-Performance Team

Total Students4009
Original Price($)84.99
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures11
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews15
Gloabl Rating4.5
Instructor NameeGukulhub Learning

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