Create a Paper-Cut Light Box in Procreate

Learn how to create and animate a paper-cut light box using Procreate and your iPad


In this class, I will show you step-by-step how to turn your iPad into a layered paper cut light box.

This time, I don’t want you guys to worry about how to draw trees, the sky, mountains or any other element of the composition. I want you to be focused on making the illustration glow and cast rich shadows to get a enchanting scene. So, I’ve put together a set of brushes and two color palettes for you.

We are going to make together three fun and easy exercises and I will share with you lots of useful tips along the way.

For starters, I will walk you through my process to create a nice (paper cut) landscape. Then, we will add texture, light and shadows to our landscape and turn it into a paper cut light box. And finally, we will create a magical multicolored animation of our wonderful light box.

Whether you are a Procreate beginner or expert, this class is for anyone looking for improving their skills and learning new techniques when drawing digitally.

Ready to have fun creating a paper-cut light box? Let’s get started!

Basic knowledge of Procreate is recommended but not required to take this class. Having said that, let’s get started!

Total Students170
Original Price($)19.99
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures8
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews6
Global Rating3.9166667
Instructor NameLettie Blue

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