Self-Publishing a Christian Bestseller

A Roadmap For Successfully Self-Publishing Your Book the Right Way


I used to dream of getting that phone call from a literally agent—the one where they say that they’d love to sell your book. I would dream of that author advance from a big name publisher. I even had a spot on the wall where I’d frame it. But then it actually happened…

Yes, I was one of the lucky ones. Back in 2007, I was an ambitious 20 something and had signed my first book deals with one of the biggest publishers in the United States. It was a thrilling experience, and I learned a lot publishing that first book.

The publishing industry shifted just a few years later when the first eReader’s entered the market and opened the floodgates to something called Indie Publishing. It didn’t take long for authors to realize they didn’t need big name publishers to sell their book—in fact, they could earn far more doing it themselves. That’s what I did. And that’s what I’ve been helping authors do ever since.

Indie publishing is a lucrative market where nobody authors can become bestselling authors overnight. I can’t guarantee that that will be you, but I can show you the proven methods indie authors like me use every day to turn their books into hits.

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