Salesforce Administrator Essentials & Advanced Practice Exam

High-Quality questions for the Salesforce Administrator Essentials, Experienced Admin & the Advanced admin Exams in 2023


  • If you’re looking to pass the Salesforce Administrator Essentials & the Advanced admin exams, this course is your best chance to maximize your exam success.

  • Salesforce Certified Administration Essentials (formerly known as Salesforce Certified Administrator) and Salesforce Certified Advanced Administration are two different certification exams offered by Salesforce. Here are their definitions along with the required qualifications, duration, number of questions, and topics covered in each exam:

  • Salesforce Certified Administration Essentials: This certification exam tests an individual’s knowledge and skills in administering and configuring Salesforce. It covers topics such as managing users, data, security, and customization, as well as designing and implementing basic automation processes.

  • Qualification: Candidates should have experience as a Salesforce Administrator and a basic understanding of the Salesforce platform.

  • Duration: The exam lasts 105 minutes.

  • Number of questions: The exam consists of 60 multiple-choice and multiple-select questions.

  • Topics covered: The exam covers the following topics:

    • Organizing and managing users

    • Security and access

    • Standard and custom objects

    • Sales and marketing applications

    • Service and support applications

    • Activity management and collaboration

    • Data management

    • Content and folder management

    • Workflow and process automation

    • Desktop and mobile administration

  • Salesforce Certified Advanced Administration: This certification exam assesses an individual’s proficiency in advanced Salesforce administration techniques, such as implementing complex automation processes, troubleshooting and maintaining a Salesforce environment, and designing custom interfaces.

  • Qualification: Candidates should have experience as a Salesforce Administrator and have passed the Salesforce Certified Administration Essentials exam.

  • Duration: The exam lasts 105 minutes.

  • Number of questions: The exam consists of 60 multiple-choice and multiple-select questions.

  • Topics covered: The exam covers the following topics:

    • Managing data and analytics

    • Automation and integration

    • Security and access

    • User interface and user experience

    • Workflow and process automation

    • Desktop and mobile administration

    • Troubleshooting and maintenance

    • AppExchange and managed packages

    • Communities and portals

    • Salesforce mobile app

  • Overall, both certification exams test an individual’s knowledge and skills in Salesforce administration, but the Advanced Administration exam requires a higher level of expertise and experience.

  • In addition, obtaining the certification can be a great way for IT professionals to advance their careers and broaden their skillset. It can also be a useful way for organizations to identify and hire qualified candidates for related roles, as it provides a benchmark for measuring an individual’s knowledge and expertise.

  • Overall, the Salesforce Administrator Essentials & the Advanced admin exam is a valuable and respected certification for professionals working in the field of IT security, and can be a useful tool for advancing careers, demonstrating expertise, and building credibility in the industry.

  • In this course, we will prepare you for what it is like to take the Salesforce Administrator Essentials & the Advanced admin exam. We offer fresh study materials for the Salesforce Administrator Essentials & the Advanced admin examination, with full-length practice exams containing unique questions. We have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence.

  • All questions are based on the exam objectives for the Salesforce Administrator Essentials & the Advanced admin certification exam, covering all domains of the exam, so you can take and pass the actual Salesforce Administrator Essentials & the Advanced admin certification exam with confidence. – This Salesforce Administrator Essentials & the Advanced admin course practice tests will be highly helpful for both new and experienced students. Although having some knowledge of Salesforce Administrator Essentials & the Advanced admin best practices may be helpful, it is NOT necessary to take this course because you will have access to everything you need to succeed. If you apply our in-depth exam preparation, you will be in the best possible position to pass the Salesforce Administrator Essentials & the Advanced admin exam the first time.

  • You won’t be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring 75% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money.

  • This course is constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the Salesforce Administrator Essentials & the Advanced admin certification exam, and good luck with your exam !

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Instructor NameImane Aoublal

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