Angular Material Basics Guide 2022

Everything you need to know about Angular Material


Have you always wanted to learn how to do use Angular Material but don’t know where to start?                       

Would you like to learn components and bring Angular Material Code to Life?                     

Then Angular Material Ultimate Course is for you!   

Hi, I’m your instructor Josh Werner and I’ll be leading you through this course.       

Angular Material is an in-demand skill in 2022. 

The course begins with the basics. We’ll Cover everything you need to know about Angular Material from scratch.         

I’ll take you through everything you need to know to start working with Components like an expert.                     

Next, you’ll learn all the fundamentals of Angular Material and how you can use Components to build Websites.

This is great for students starting that need a refresher course on Angular Material.

There are no requirements necessary to enroll I only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn.

Feel Free to look through the course description and checkout some of my preview videos.

The course is packed with over 1 hour of hands-on tutorials

Here Is What You Will Learn:

01. Introduction

    01. Overview

02. Getting started with Angular

    02. StackBlitz

03. Components

    03. Autocomplete

    04. Badge

    05. Bottom Sheet

    06. Button

    07. Button Toggle

    08. Card

    09. Checkbox

    10. Chips

    11. Core

    12. Datepicker

    13. Dialog

    14. Divider

    15. Expansions Panel

    16. Form Field

    17. Grid List

    18. Icon

    19. Input

    20. List

    21. Menu

    22. Paginator

    23. Progress Bar

    24. Progress Spinner

    25. Radio Button

    26. Ripples

    27. Select

    28. Sidenav

    29. Slide Toggle

    30. Slider

    31. Snackbar

    32. Sort Header

    33. Stepper

    34. Table

    35. Tabs

    36. Toolbar

    37. Tooltip

    38. Tree

04. Conclusion

    39. Summary


So what are you waiting for? I look forward to going through course with you I’ll see you inside!                                       

Total Students19042
Original Price($)84.99
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures50
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews37
Global Rating3.35
Instructor NameLearn Tech Plus

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