WordPress building course from Beginners to Mastery Level

Learn how to create a professional business website in just couple of hours and start your business today


In this course, You are going to learn all about how to create your business word press website with just quick easy to implementation steps. Each video is created in such a way that you won’t procrastinate to build your website.

This course is kept to the point on purpose for you to just understand and implement the right steps for your business.

At the end of this course you would have practical knowledge and experience in these areas :

-Learn how to register your domain

-Create your website from scratch

-Learn to understand your business website dashboard to gain the complete control

-Learn to find the difference between a page and a post

-Learn how to create your own Blogposts

-Learn how to schedule your Blogposts to save your time and improve your efficiency

-Learn how to create your website menu bar

-Learn how to take the backup of your website

-Learn how to restore your website in case of any failures

-Learn how to assign the right roles for your team and gain complete control of user access

-Extra Section: Learn How to create your LOGO in just 5 minutes

Would you like to learn about building your high-converting WordPress Website?

I am offering in-depth online training sessions. The best part is training is totally flexible based on your needs.

Who is it for? Beginner to Advanced; It really doesn’t matter

How the training would be conducted: It’s a pre-recorded video session.

For further assistance do contact me. All the details are given inside the training sessions

Total Students16
Original Price($)2599
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures19
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews0
Global Rating0
Instructor NameMithlesh Singh

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