Time Management & Productivity – Deep Dive

A complete guide on how to ebb your distractions, define your workflow, and better manage your valuable time


This course aims to help you build your own time management/productivity framework that works exclusively for you.

Here in this course, you’ll learn how to:

  • Diminish distractions

  • Improve your focus

  • Effectively plan, prioritize, and execute tasks & activities

  • Eliminate, delegate, and automate parts of your work

  • Speed up your workflow

  • Take care of your physical and mental wellbeing

This course basically gives you a set of time-tested tools that you can customize to suit your workflow.

Whether you are freelance, full-time, or a grad student, by the end of this course, you should be able to create and personalize your own time management system that will aid in achieving your goals faster and making time for fun.

To use your time effectively, you need to engineer your time smartly. Time Management is one of the most valuable yet easy skills to acquire in this information age, where we are constantly getting sidetracked by emails, direct messages, apps, app notifications, etc., there is a time for focus, and there is a time for distractions, you can’t focus while you are distracted but the opposite is often not true, you can very well get distracted while you are focusing on work.

This course is designed to not make you a machine, but to make you more productive while having ample amounts of time to have fun, travel, and work on your hobbies or side hustles.

I will see you inside of this course.

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Total Students2042
Original Price($)799
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures26
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews20
Global Rating4.7
Instructor NameShatadip Majumder

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