The Five Archetypes of Orchestration in 60 Lessons — Part I

Become a Master in Orchestration — The Study and Practice of 60 Masterpieces


We have organized this course very transparently in the main orchestration procedures with well-known excerpts from Western music-literature but also related to own compositions. Therefore, we have divided the entirety of the course into five major parts. Each part will be dedicated to exactly one of the five archetypes of orchestration. Each part will thus contain 12 lessons focused on that particular aspect. The whole course will cover at least 60 examples carefully discussed and analyzed. The assignments are directly related to these fragments. All relevant aspects and techniques will be covered in detail, offering you the opportunity to try everything out for yourself to gain efficient insight and become a true professional. Worksheets and reductions has been elaborated, solutions provided, but also applications into one’s own contemporary practice illustrate the relevance of traditional orchestral principles into modern classical music compositions. By imitating and emulating the masters, you will become by time a master yourself. We have carefully selected excerpts in different styles, from Mozart, Beethoven, Grieg, Holst, Bizet, Debussy, Stravinsky, Bartok and myself. In the downloadable resources are 95 items provided: the whole spoken commentaries in English are completely written out and can be downloaded to gain more understanding of each lesson. We are truly convinced that this method of working, copying, imitating, emulating the masters, which has already often proven in the past that this was the method to learn craftsmanship, will help you further develop as an artist.

Total Students306
Original Price($)799
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures19
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews23
Global Rating4.85
Instructor NamePiet Jozef SWERTS

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