IT Support/HelpDesk Fundamentals – Essential Tech To Know!

Mastering the Core Principles: A Comprehensive Guide to IT Support and HelpDesk Fundamentals


Hi and welcome to this training course as we embark on a journey to IT Mastery, learning about IT Support and Help Desk Fundamentals.

In today’s technology-driven world, proficiency in IT support and HelpDesk operations is not just a valuable skill – it’s essential. Whether you’re starting your career or looking to enhance your existing skills, this course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in the field.

Throughout this comprehensive training program, you will delve into the core principles and practices of IT support, covering everything from basic computer hardware and software fundamentals to advanced topics such as server administration, networking, virtualization, and cybersecurity.

  • Mastering IT Support Levels

    Gain a deep understanding of the different support levels – 1, 2, and 3 – and learn how to effectively navigate each level to provide optimal assistance to users.

  • Navigating IT Helpdesk and Service Desk

    Explore the functions and responsibilities of IT helpdesk and service desk teams, and understand their crucial roles in maintaining efficient IT operations within organizations.

  • Essential Computer Fundamentals

    From the outer components of PCs to the inner workings of laptops and desktops, discover the fundamental elements of computer hardware and software, including PC parts, operating system types, and application management.

  • Server Infrastructure Insights

    Dive into the world of server infrastructure, exploring physical and virtual server environments, domain management with Active Directory, networking protocols, and the basics of datacenters.

  • Embracing Cloud Technologies

    Learn about the benefits and challenges of cloud computing, including server virtualization, on-premises, cloud, and hybrid infrastructures, as well as cloud security measures.

  • Fortifying Cybersecurity Defenses

    Arm yourself with knowledge about cybersecurity threats, network security devices, malware protection, password security best practices, multi-factor authentication, and essential processes and policies to mitigate risks.

  • Strategies for Disaster Recovery and Data Protection

    Understand the importance of backups, backup types, backup software, and disaster recovery plans to safeguard critical data and ensure business continuity.

  • Enhancing Operational Efficiency

    Explore the processes and policies integral to IT operations, including helpdesk ticketing systems, onboarding procedures, incident response protocols, security monitoring, and standard operating environment (SOE) development.

Whether you’re aiming to launch your career in IT support or seeking to advance within your current role, this course provides a comprehensive foundation to help you succeed in today’s dynamic IT landscape.

Join us on this journey to IT mastery and unlock your full potential in the world of technology.

Total Students54
Original Price($)3499
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures81
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews0
Global Rating0
Instructor NameEmilio Aguero

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