SAP-CO : Sub Contracting & External Manufacturing Service

Language : Urdu/Hindi | Template Allocation | Costing Sheet | Auxiliary Cost Component Structure


Language – Urdu/Hindi

This Course Consists of two main scenarios related to Sub Contracting & External Service

Process Flow of both process is given below

Scenario 01 : Full Manufacturing from Out Side (No Production Inhouse)

1) Create Separate GL for Sub-Contacting Process

2) Cost Center Create for Sub-Contracting

3) Config : Assign GL in OKTZ , OBYC & OKB9

4) Config : Costing Variant

5) Create Material Master (RM & FG)

6) Create BOM

7) Production Version

8) Create Purchase Info Record

9) Execute Cost Estimate

10) Raw Material Stock In

11) Create Purchase Order (Item Cat L)

12) Raw Material Transfer posting

13) Finished Goods received

Scenario 02 : Partial Manufacturing from Out Side & Partial Manufacturing Inhouse

1) Create Separate GL for External Process

2) Config : Assign GL in Cost Component Structure

3) Config : Costing Variant

4) Create Material Master (RM & FG)

5) Create Purchase Info Record

6) Create BOM

7) Routing With 2 Operation -& GL Assignment

8) Create Production Version

9) Execute Cost Estimate

10) Create Production Order & PR auto Generate

11) PO Create with reference to PR

12) Goods Issue – Activity Confirmation

13) Service Received – MT-101

14) Goods Received From Production Order – MT-101

15) Actualization :  Costing Sheet & Template Allocation

16) Manual Template Allocation Confirmation on Order

17) Variance Calculation

18) Settlement

19) Material Ledger

Total Students1165
Original Price($)1499
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures24
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews29
Global Rating4.259259
Instructor NameSimple SAP – MTJ

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