[NEW] Learn Spring Boot 3, JDBC, JPA, MySQL, MongoDB, Kafka

Learn Java framework Spring 6, Spring MVC, Spring Boot 3, Spring JDBC, JPA,REST, MySQL, MongoDB, Kafka, Spring AI


‘Learn Spring Boot 3, JDBC, JPA, MySQL, MongoDB, Kafka, AI’ course will help in understanding the Spring framework and how to build web applications, Rest Services using Spring, Spring MVC, SpringBoot, Spring JDBC, Spring Data JPA, MySQL, MongoDB, Kafka, Spring AI etc. By the end of this course, students will understand all the below topics,

  • What is Spring framework and Spring Boot ?

  • Different projects inside Spring

  • Spring Core Concepts like Inversion of Control (IoC), Dependency Injection (DI) & Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)

  • Different approaches of Beans creation inside Spring framework

  • Bean Scopes inside Spring framework

  • Autowiring of the Spring Beans

  • Lombok library and Annotations

  • Deep dive on Spring Boot, Auto-configuration

  • Spring Boot Dev Tools

  • Spring Boot Actuators

  • Database create, read, update, and delete operations using Spring JDBC

  • Introduction to ORM frameworks & database create, read, update, delete operations using Spring Data JPA/Hibernate

  • Derived Query methods in JPA

  • Sorting, Pagination, JPQL inside Spring Data JPA

  • Building Rest Services inside Spring

  • Consuming Rest Services

  • Spring Data Rest

  • Logging inside Spring applications

  • Properties Configuration inside Spring applications

  • Profiles inside Spring Boot applications

  • Conditional Bean creation using Profiles

  • Monitoring Spring Boot applications using SpringBoot Actuator & Spring Boot Admin

  • Unit Testing with Spring Boot Application

  • Using JUnit and Mockito for Testing the Application

  • Working with MongoDB, Architecture, Installation and Setup

  • Building Spring Boot Application with MongoDB

  • Creating REST API to create, update, read, and delete resources with MongoDB and Spring Boot Application

  • Working with Queries and Aggregators in MongoDB, MongoTemplates, and more in Spring Boot

  • Working on Apache Kafka, benefits, Architecture, Installation, and more…

  • The combination of Zookeeper and Apache Kafka

  • Working with Brokers and Consumers in Apache Kafka

  • Apache Kafka Playgound

  • Building REST API’s with Apache Kafka and Spring Boot

Total Students337
Original Price($)1499
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures89
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews3
Global Rating4.8333335
Instructor NameShabbir Dawoodi

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