Main Menu Masterclass – Unreal Engine 5.4

Functional Menu Systems in Unreal Engine 5.4


Ever wonder how to create Ray Tracing Settings? Set up Dynamic Resolution? And How to implement control systems that are player editable in Unreal Engine 5 . 4 ? Then this is the course for you.

In this course you will learn;

  • Basic Menu Design

  • Saving Mouse and Keyboard And Gamepad input Settings

  • How to make player adjustable Aim Sensitivity

  • Language Selection

  • Subtitles

  • Unreal Engine User Interface Organisation

  • Music and Sound Effects Management

  • Audio and Volume Controls

    And All this at an affordable cost and laid out in an easy to understand and reference way. I am a big believer in slowly and steadily explaining every single concept so you can take it and use it in your own unique and special way for whatever game you are building.

    The lessons learned in this course will give you a great foundation for your game regardless of Genre and if the game is made for PC, Console or Even Mobile phone.

    Learn how Unreal Engine uses save data, user interfaces and game settings to gives you control over the player experience.

    Making your game feel more fluid, alive and controllable through various in game options.

    So what are you waiting for? Get to learning and building your next title.

Total Students1252
Original Price($)1999
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures53
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews1
Global Rating5
Instructor NameHyper Dev

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