Javascript Projects 2022 : Ultimate Projects For Beginners.

JAVASCRIPT PROJECTS for those who had learned JAVASCRIPT and want to grow their skills by building Advance Projects.


This course is focused on mastering javascript and getting you hired by building Advance projects. The course always gets updated every week and new projects are added every month. This course is designed for both beginner and advance developer who wants to improve their skills. At the end of this course, we will build Mega Most Unique Project which is your own Search Engine Like Google with image features as well. Yes !! We will build our own search engine with image functionality this project will be completely dynamic you can search anything as you do on google you can even search your errors solution on your own search engine. We will first start with some Beginner-level projects to brush up javascript skills and then we will start creating Intermediate-Projects where we will learn intermediate javascript and then we will create Advance-Projects where we will learn Advance Javascript Topics.

Beginner Level Projects ( To Brush Up Javascript ) :-

  • Digital Clock

  • Day Finder

  • Random Color Generator

Intermediate Level Projects :-

  • Super Calculator

  • Rock Paper Scissor Game

  • Random Quote Generator

Advance Projects :-

  • Weather App (Using API )

  • Meal App

  • Notes App With Database

  • Search Engine ( Google Clone ) With Images Features

After building these projects you will be able to create any project that will come to your mind. You will be able to solve your project’s bug and will be able to solve your colleague/Friend’s Projects Bug. You will realize on your own that your skills are grown. You will learn logic building as well and will learn best practices to plan any project and best practice to create project.

Whether you want to become a freelancer, get hired, or to just advance your career, this brand new course will take you step by step through JavaScript projects that you will be able to customize and put on your portfolio right away. Along the way, you will learn to build projects using HTML, CSS and JavaScript and truly build your skills as a JavaScript developer.

Total Students124
Original Price($)24.99
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures35
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews4
Gloabl Rating4.125
Instructor NameTaranjot Singh

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