JavaScript 10 Projects in 10 Days Course for Beginners

Embark on a 10-day learning journey through 10 practical examples using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Elevate your skills


Are you eager to embark on a journey to master the fundamentals of web development, encompassing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? Look no further than our comprehensive course, “10 Projects In 10 Days – HTML, CSS & JavaScript,” thoughtfully crafted to provide you with hands-on experience and practical skills in building captivating and interactive web projects.

Over the course of 10 days, you’ll be taken on an immersive and intensive learning experience, guided through the creation of 10 unique projects, each honing specific aspects of web development. From the outset, you’ll dive into intriguing challenges, gaining proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript along the way. As a result, you’ll amass a robust skill set and an impressive portfolio of projects that will undoubtedly catch the attention of potential employers and clients alike.

Throughout the journey, you’ll be introduced to captivating projects, each tackling a real-world scenario, allowing you to apply your newfound knowledge in a practical manner. Here’s an overview of the projects covered:

What you’ll learn

  • Day 1: Hello Name Application

  • Day 2: Light Bulb On Off Project

  • Day 3: Random Number Generator

  • Day 4: Generate Random Password

  • Day 5: Email Validation Project

  • Day 6: Prime and Non-Prime Number

  • Day 7: Hide and Show Password

  • Day 8: Counter Application

  • Day 9: Palindrome Checker Application

  • Day 10: Get Unicode Character Value in JS

NOTE: You Should Already install the VS Code Software and Chrome Browser in order to work with the Applications.

By the end of “10 Projects In 10 Days – HTML, CSS & JavaScript,” you’ll have honed your skills in web development, gained confidence in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and acquired a remarkable portfolio of interactive web projects. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your web development capabilities, this course is your gateway to an exciting and rewarding journey in the world of web development.

Enroll now and unlock your full potential in creating captivating web applications!

Total Students1208
Original Price($)3499
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures42
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews0
Global Rating0
Instructor NameRam Din

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