VPN: IPsec [From Zero to Advanced]

A comprehensive coverage of Virtual Private Networks from basic level to advanced


This course provides a deep dive into the world of IPSec VPNs, covering everything from basic concepts to advanced troubleshooting techniques. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of IPSec, Virtual Private Networks (VPN), and their various types. The course delves into the inner workings of IPSec, exploring its protocols, modes, and frameworks.

Topics Covered:

  1. Understanding VPNs:

    • Definition of VPN

    • Types of VPNs

  2. Introduction to IPSec:

    • What is IPSec?

    • How IPSec Works

    • Benefits of IPSec

  3. IPSec Modes:

    • Tunnel Mode

    • Transport Mode

  4. IPSec Framework:

    • Protocols involved in IPSec

  5. IKEv1 & IKEv2:

    • Wireshark Capture and PCAP file analysis

    • Authentication Header (AH)

    • Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)

    • Internet Key Exchange (IKE)

  6. IPSec Best Practices:

    • Recommended practices for implementing IPSec

  7. Policy-Based VPN vs. Route-Based VPN:

    • Understanding the differences between these two VPN types

  8. Troubleshooting IPSec-VPN Issues:

    • Identification and resolution of common problems

  9. IPSec VPN Troubleshooting Decision Diagram:

    • A structured approach to diagnosing IPSec VPN issues

  10. tcpdump for IPSec VPN Troubleshooting:

    • Practical guidance on using tcpdump for troubleshooting IPSec VPNs

  11. Interview Preparation:

    • Most asked Interview Questions and Answers related to IPSec VPNs

By the end of this course, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to confidently implement, manage, and troubleshoot IPSec VPNs in real-world scenarios.

Total Students100
Original Price($)1499
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures26
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews1
Global Rating5
Instructor NameCyberBruhArmy .

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