How to Frame Your Problems for Maximum Effectiveness

Course 2 of the Decision-making and Problem-solving for Business Program


The Problem Framing course is the second part of the Decision-making and Problem-solving for Business series. The course on How to Frame Your Problems for Maximum Effectiveness focuses on the following topics:

  • Identifying and researching a problem – To effectively frame a problem, you must first identify it. That is, you have to investigate and clearly define both its contents and its boundaries.

  • Managing problem assumptions – Most people take certain aspects of a business problem for granted and fail to question them. The scope of the problem and the likelihood of finding a solution are but two examples. In this course, you’ll learn to uncover your problem assumptions so they don’t lead you astray.

  • Getting to the root of a problem – Business problems, even simple ones, almost always have more than one contributing cause. In this course, you’ll learn valuable techniques to isolate and frame those causes so you can focus your problem-solving attention on issues that lead directly to powerful solutions.

  • Using dynamic problem-framing techniques – Achieving an accurate problem frame doesn’t happen automatically; you need to proactively employ effective strategies to do so. In this course, you’ll discover how to put those techniques into action.

In this course, you’ll learn how to effectively frame a problem by: being fully prepared for the framing process, examining your assumptions, analyzing the cause of business problems, and employing powerful techniques to effectively frame your business problems.

That’s it! Now, go ahead and push that “Take this course” button and see you on the inside!

Total Students105
Original Price($)2299
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures41
Number of quizzes1
Total Reviews27
Global Rating4.3
Instructor NameSorin Dumitrascu

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