Easy WPF in C# Windows Presentation Foundation for Beginners

Easily Learn WPF in C# to Design Real Apps , MVVM ,EF SQL in WPF for beginners , XAML , Windows Presentation Foundation


Hi There!

With many years of programming skills I’m with you to share my knowledge with you.


If you try you will learn using WPF in C# to create C# Apps!

If you are beginners or student looking for a tutorial to create WPF App in C# in simplest way!

I started from beginning and show you how to :

  • 3 Courses in One + 25 Hours + 3 live Projects

  • Create Windows Apps by C# in WPF & XAML

  • Build Notepad and Memo project in WPF & C#

  • Learn to design pro GUI for Apps in XAML

  • WPF common controls and properties like: Button, Menu, Image, Slider, Checkbox…

  • Using C# code in WPF to: Enable, Hide, Change text, color and …

  • MDI and SDI projects

  • Using Image , Open file & Save file dialog

  • Resource, Events, Binding & Text file in WPF

  • WPF panels: Stack, Canvas, Dock, Wrap

  • Using Menu control for create pro WPF Apps

  • Working with files and folders in C# and WPF

  • Create custom button

  • Create notepad app in WPF

  • Create Memo App in C# and WPF with save and search options

  • How to design Pro main window for WPF Apps

  • Style, Triggers in WPF

  • SQL in WPF to create database Apps

  • Entity framework in WPF

  • MVVM for beginners

  • and…

Don’t hesitate to start learning WPF in C#!

Every thing will be discussed with sample project and you will have lot of fun within my course.

Let’s go !!!

Total Students1019
Original Price($)799
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures144
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews0
Global Rating0
Instructor NameRoshan Academy

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