Comprehensive C Programming Course

Master C programming and build real-world applications with our Comprehensive C Programming Course!



Welcome to the Comprehensive C Programming Course, a detailed and hands-on journey into the world of C programming. This course is designed to provide a solid foundation in C, covering fundamental concepts, advanced techniques, and practical projects. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn programming from scratch or an experienced developer seeking to enhance your skills, this course will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to write efficient and effective C programs.

Section 1: Fundamentals of C Programming

This section introduces the basics of C programming, starting with the history and significance of C. Students will learn about data types, variable declarations, and the overall structure of a C program. The section also covers basic input/output functions and control structures such as if-else statements, switch-case, loops (while, do-while, for), and the use of break and continue statements. By the end of this section, students will be comfortable writing simple C programs and controlling program flow.

Section 2: Advanced C Programming Techniques

Building on the fundamentals, this section delves into more advanced topics. Students will explore the use of operators, including logical and unary operators, and will solve problems using these operators. This section also covers arrays, pointers, and functions in great detail. Students will learn how to manipulate data using one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays, perform pointer arithmetic, and implement various function types, including passing arrays to functions and returning values from functions. Case studies and practical examples will help solidify these concepts.

Section 3: C Programming on Linux

This section focuses on developing C programs in a Linux environment. Students will learn how to install and use the GCC compiler, understand GCC architecture, and explore various compiler options. The section covers the stages of compilation, variable types, arithmetic operators, control loops, and functions, with practical exercises to reinforce learning. By the end of this section, students will be proficient in writing, compiling, and debugging C programs on Linux.

Section 4: Project on C and POP – Online Exam Portal

In this project-based section, students will apply their C programming skills to create an online exam portal. They will learn how to create a menu-driven interface, implement various functions for saving and retrieving data, and understand score generation and output. This hands-on project will provide practical experience in developing a complete application using C.

Section 5: Project on C Programming – Payroll Processing

This section involves developing a payroll processing system. Students will create modules for the main menu, monthly transaction processing, and pay slip generation. This project will help students understand the application of C programming in real-world business scenarios, reinforcing their understanding of data management and processing.

Section 6: Project in C Programming – Employee Management System

In this project, students will build an employee management system. They will create and manipulate data structures, implement selection menus, and perform operations such as adding, modifying, and deleting employee records. This section emphasizes the practical use of C programming for managing data and developing user-friendly interfaces.

Section 7: Project in C Programming – 2 Players Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Students will develop a 2-player Tic-Tac-Toe game in this section. They will create the game board, accept player input, and determine the game outcome. This project will help students understand game logic and improve their problem-solving skills using C.

Section 8: Project in C Programming – Hangman Game

The final project involves creating a Hangman game. Students will implement a choice menu, select random words, hide words, evaluate player guesses, and create the main game loop. This project will consolidate their understanding of C programming concepts and provide a fun and interactive way to practice coding.


The Comprehensive C Programming Course offers an in-depth exploration of C programming, from fundamental concepts to advanced techniques and practical projects. By the end of this course, students will have a thorough understanding of C programming and the ability to develop complex applications. This course is perfect for anyone looking to build a strong foundation in programming and enhance their coding skills.

Total Students164
Original Price($)3499
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures196
Number of quizzes0
Total Reviews0
Global Rating0
Instructor NameEDUCBA Bridging the Gap

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