احترف انجولار بالتدريب العملي
تم تقسيم الكورس الي جزء للشرح وجزء اخر للتطبيق العملي … اختار ما يناسب مستواك
ملحوظة: الكورس لسة تكملة بحيث نغطي كل الاجزاء ونعمل كذا ابليكيشن وبيتحدث كل شوية
ماتنساش تبعت الكورس لاصدقائك اللي حابين يتعلموا حاجة قوية
انضم للـ study group علي تليجرام @its_dibo
ودة كوبون خصم 100% لعدد محدود
Learn Angular by creating full SPA apps, using the best practices
learn how to apply SOLID principles and the best design patterns
learn the latest techniques that are used in the latest versions of Angular such as the new flow control and signals
the course is continuously updated to be aligned with the latest versions of the world of front end development
create modern applications and use the most modern techniques such as SSR and PWA
improve your UI by using material design and the most modern UI libraries
improve the SEO of your apps to reach the first page on Google and other search engine platforms
apply the best architecture to your Angular projects.
learn how to improve your app’s performance and how to read the memory leak and CPU high-intensive usage
dive deeply into computer science to learn more advanced topics such as dependency injection, inversion of control , and advanced object-oriented programming (OOP)
better organize your code base and follow the business domain architecture, make your code more readable and easy to maintain
link your Angular app with the back end and perform CRUD operations effectively even under bad network conditions
learn more by following “mobarmegeen dot com” which is a platform designed just for arab developers to enhance their careers and obtain advanced development skills
Total Students | 1397 |
Original Price($) | |
Sale Price | Free |
Number of lectures | 18 |
Number of quizzes | 0 |
Total Reviews | 20 |
Global Rating | 4.45 |
Instructor Name | Sherif Eldeeb |
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