Debug Your Arduino Programs while Coding

Learn how to Debug Your Arduino Code and fix code errors while developing your project without adding additional codes


Learn how to Debug Your Arduino Code and fix code errors while developing your project without adding additional codes.

Are you tired from using Serial.print to debug your code and test whether a certain block works or not!?

Do you want an easy way to debug your Arduino Code without having to add extra lines of code each time?

Do you miss the breakpoints features that allow debugging with one click?

Are you looking for a way to tell if your code works or not, or if a variable reaches a certain value or not!?

Why you should take this course?

  • Learn how to Debug Your Arduino Code and fix code errors while developing your project without adding additional codes

  • This course is the perfect solution for developers who are having difficulty debugging their projects.

  • You’ll learn about the basic components of a debugger, including variables, breakpoints, stepping through the code line by line, reviewing stack traces, inputting new values for variables, and more

  • Learn how to solve undefined issues with the debugger

Then This Course is for You

In this course, you will learn how to debug your code easily and effectively.

     Why you should learn how to debug your Arduino program:

  • It’s easier to find and fix errors as you write your code

  • No need for an extra line of Serial.print each time you want to know what’s happening

  • Save time by graphically viewing Arduino Pins status.

  • Less effort by adding conditional debugging and viewing variables value inside memory and even have the ability to change the variable value during execution to test out different scenarios.

    What you will learn in this course:

  • How to debug the Arduino code

  • How to view variables value in memory and view Arduino Pins graphically

  • How to use breakpoints and conditional debugging

Goal From This Course:   

– Learn how to debug Arduino Codes

Required Materials   

  • Arduino.

  • Arduino IDE  (FREE)

Total Students14101
Original Price($)799
Sale PriceFree
Number of lectures15
Number of quizzes1
Total Reviews38
Global Rating3.75
Instructor NameEducational Engineering Team

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